Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Week 1, Term 3 Reading Rocket Update!!!

Wow!!!  Look at the amazing progress each and every student has made in 10 weeks.  I am so excited to see just how far they will go.  I will continue to update the rocket when students move levels.  I am sending home info to the families of children on gold level to support their learning.  We need to blast the top off this rocket and get them up to silver!  I am also sending home tips and ideas to improve all literacy levels so keep an eye on the Home Communication books in their book bags.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Art Extension Group

We have set up an Art extension group in Room 2 at Lunch time on Tuesday.  There was a great turn out and we are considering having two groups.  We are currently designing a plan for large collaborative artworks that will be going up around the school over time.  We are sharing our ideas with Mr Armistead and he will use them to guide the design process for the front of the school.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Understanding place value

We are learning about place value.  We need as much pracise as we can get to consolidate our learning.  Check out the video and discuss with your child their understanding so far.  Feel free to make sets of tens and ones to explain a number.

place value video